Nasty, proud & thankful

Back on November 9th I was going to donate a few hundred bucks to Planned Parenthood. But then I thought, as the old proverb goes, "what if I speculate to accumulate here? What if, instead of just donating that money, I use it to make something. Something that makes a statement that empathizes with, literally, millions of other women (and some dudes too, of course) that allows us to wear this feeling, this heart on our sleeves (or lapels) and allows me to quadruple, then double that original few hundo and donate even more $ to PP?!" 

Well, $375 bucks spent to make 300 lovely little pins, a little hustle from me and a lot of heart & buying power from YOU, I am able to donate almost $3000 to Planned Parenthood and even a little to the Ghost Ship Relief Fund, for another unforeseen kick in the guts, along the way.

For this, I cannot thank you all enough. I couldn't have done this without you.

I've been shocked and inspired by the success of this experiment. So much so, I'm keeping on keeping on. Why stop now? Basic human rights continue to be on the chopping block; this fight needs all the help it can get. So, here is a sneak peek at a few designs (yep, these pics dotted throughout this post) I have in the works for shirts and more pins that will soon be available for sale. Proceeds will continue to be donated to Planned Parenthood as well as the American Civil Liberties Union and the Natural Resources Defense Council.

In the meantime, follow my creative process and stay looped in on when these new designs drop. Oh, and if you bought a pin and love it, 'gram it and tag me @4725magazine!




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