4725mag's daily beauty must-haves: essential water, essential oils,embellished basics

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I recently turned another year wiser and more contented in that uncanny way your thirties allow versus your (or maybe just my) more perturbed twenties - aka, I had a birthday. I'm a firm believer in self-birthday-gifting; you work hard for the money, so hard for it honey - so you better treat you right. What better time is there to do this than around the anniversary of your birth?

With an inbox full of "It's Your Birthday!" coupons and a tax return due, I fearlessly embarked upon an aggressive and furious bout of online shopping, racking up those airline miles.

None of my favorite retailers - from large to local - were left unvisited. No style desire left ignored - beauty products, to fashion accessories, outerwear, denim, shoes, jewelry, knitwear and e-v-e-r-y-thing in-between. It was such a gluttonous and sick episode, in a fit of guilt I returned a good chunk of the splurge, losing a free flight or two but at least I felt like a decent-ish human again.

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However one box, from San Francisco based boutique Curator, provided more joy than all the others. Containing three simple, yet righteous, nuggets of fashion accessory and beauty gold, that have easily been my best acts of self-birthday-gifting this year.

Let's start off with the hand crafted, brass embellished hair tie. This is the perfect little touch of style that my commuter ponytail needs. Many a perfect-do has been ravaged by the fog and wind San Francisco has to offer, but with this puppy - and sometimes a strategically placed scarf - I will win the battle between my follicles and the elements.

Now, let's visit Curator's apothecary. Both gloriously named and packed full of small batch production, all natural cleansing and beauty products - here is where the shopping experience gets tiny-squeal-of-joy good.

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I took a leap of faith in buying perfume online. With piqued curiosity due to my love for the arid, unforgiving yet serene desert landscape, and also because it could just smell like a sweaty, unkempt dude, I added L'Aromatica's "Desert Man" perfume to my basket and never looked back.

With dense notes of sweetgrass, myrrh and Mojave desert harvested sage, "Desert Man" smells nothing short of heavenly. It is pure, shooting star spotting on a still, cool Joshua Tree night, magic in a bottle. I've found a new favorite and I may buy a few more bottles so I'm stocked up, just in case.

I never quite understood essential water until a friend gifted me a subtle, non-musky, fresh rose petal infused bottle a few years ago. Knowing at the time I had a tense work environment, she directed me to spritz myself any time the going got tough to, literally, cool myself off. From that moment on, I was kind of addicted. There wasn't anything that didn't benefit from a good misting at least once a day.

Loving the intoxicating, smoky woodiness and exotically sweet, rich aroma of Palo Santo oil, I had to pounce on this lunar-infused, glacial essential water from the Midnight Collective. Pacific Northwest flower essences mix beautifully with natural floral hydrosols and pure essential oils that are hand infused under the New and Full Moons.

It's hard to deny that kind of craftsmanship for a few dollars. That's right, you can't. It's time to go shopping.

Shop my beauty cabinet:
Desert Man perfume, from Curator SF
Palo Santo Oil and Cedarwood Essential Water, from Curator SF
- Brass hair tie, from Curator SF


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