4725mag's on-point interiors: a sneak peek at a unique art collection

One of our favorite Oakland based Instagram accounts is @Found_Art_Explosion, a documentation of the most unusual - and often times humorous - one of a kind, original artworks found whilst trawling East Bay flea markets, estate sales, swap meets and thrift stores.

We're excited to share a sneak peek at their personally curated found art collection.

Circa 1950s oil painting on wood, Laney flea market, $35.

1979 oil painting on wood, estate sale, $10.

1970, oil painting on canvas, Coliseum Swap Meet, $10.

Circa 1970s oil painting on wood, Salvation Army (China Town, Oakland), $35. 

We hope this inspires you to dig through that pile of frames next time you are donating at Goodwill. There are masterpieces everywhere that can add a unique, yet budget conscious, touch to your living space.


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