NYFW vs. LFW street style

New York this past week left me feeling kind of [insert emoji with hand questioningly on chin]. Not the shows, or more so the coverage of the shows that I devour on my commute (I only moonlight as a fashion blogger), but more so the street style on display coming to and from the shows. Being fair, there were some highlights I shouldn't ignore.

Jan Michael Quammie killing it in an ensemble best described as tropical (which I have a soft spot for) Fendi x comfort Adidas x WTH is that Loewe puzzle bag color combo?!

Leandra Medine maintaining eternal DILLIGAF style maven status in a "tiki hut roof dyed pink and purple" tiered skirt that has my heart going boom.

And lastly, but not least-ly, Chriselle Lim in my favorite, newly discovered designer Sies Marjan. To best describe this, I've coined a new term; 70s pajama clown. And I mean that in the best possible way, this blouse is x-quis'! But these ladies aside, there was a lot of *holds hand up to gesture "meh"*. 

The off the shoulder top? Been there and done that, much to the dismay of my must be bra-ed at all times rack. Monochrome? I mean, I love that. I work in corporate America so of course I do, but I already do that! Pink all over? Much love you too honey, but are you new? No.

I look to Fashion Week to give me a window into up coming trends and for style nuggets I can subtly inject into my everyday wardrobe. In order to get this fix, I expect need a little more from fashions leading edge than the rehashing of existing, current trends.

I'm probably the only person on earth who prefers winter Fashion Week street style. The layering and multiple accessory options cold weather gives provides me 1000% more inspiration.

Case in point; remember the sweater as a scarf? I live in Oakland, California where it rarely drops below 60 so I never got to do this. But did I like that is was an option? Yes.

Life is just better (opinion totally validated by Susie Lau's smile) in the snow while wearing a hat, coat and multiple knitwear accoutrements. I even see some fringe poking out there! This whispers to me... "take risks. Clash your patterns and textures. It all works together, have at it! And, have it ALL!"

You know what else is telling me this? LFW.

I'm going there; LFW has kicked NYFW's butt in terms of street style and the resulting inspiration this time around. TOPSHOP's Snapchat alone has had me salivating in a way NY couldn't manage.

As a broad generalization, I think it would be fair to argue that London is typically more eclectic and leans less heavily into trends and more so into pure expression through individual style. Not to discount New York street style, I adore its more polished approach equally, but London feels more "fuck it". Less concerned with what anyone thinks.

Here is Fanni Marie in a swimsuit (sans pool, but with rain), Circus Hotel pants - that could easily be vintage, Superga's tied like ballet slippers and a much loved Balenciaga purse. There is an ease and individuality to this that feels obtainable while simultaneously urging you to find your own personal version of this look.

I don't know who this beaut' is, and I don't know who she is wearing but I ADORE this ballsy mass of texture. And not only texture on texture, but texture on texture with a cropped silhouette. *Round of applause*

While I've not been blessed with the figure to pull this off, I high five anyone who a) has and b) wears it with a big f'n smile on her face. 

2 words: dream layering. It feels simple due to it's predominantly monochromatic coloring, but once you try to understand it, it is quite complex. Where do Nastya Lisanky's boots end and her skirt begin? And the ruffled pants expertly balance the volume of the leather jacket cape and the Sonia Rykiel sweater (RIP, lady). Not to mention, the minimal hair and make up, A+. 

And I've put these Alberta Ferretti mules in and out of my shopping cart more times than I'm comfortable admitting. But, would I ever have dreamt of tying a friendship bracelet or three around my ankles to accompany them? Absolutely not! 

So for the inspiration, I thank you LFW. And Milan and Paris, + the very many other less covered global Fashion Weeks, I look forward to what you have in store. 


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